
The United States is very concerned with the possession and creation of nuclear weapons by other countries. A key component in making a nuclear weapon is enriched Uranium. While some countries possess this is small amounts for energy or research purposes, the United States wants to prevent Iran from attaining any.
Iran has taken steps to enrich standard Uranium most notably the development of an underground, airstrike protected, lab. The Iranian government explains that it is needed for research and energy production however the United States fears it may be utilized to constrict an atomic bomb.

"Image : Iran Reported to Enrich Uranium at Underground Lab." Welcome to StarNet - Tucson, Arizona. John M. Humenik, 08 Jan. 2012. Web. 09 Jan. 2012. .


  • Devon Wortmann | January 9, 2012 at 3:19 PM

    It is scary to believe that any country could have such a powerful weapon. The idea of nuclear war become that much more realistic. The United States should take caution but not come to conclusions. This plays into the media. The media could lead us to believe they are wanting Uranium to build an atomic bomb or they could really just want it for science research. It is hard to really know what is going on in another country because we do not live there. We must base our facts off of the media, who could be telling the wrong story.

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