(Sharif, Shahram, 18 November 2005, Shirin Ebadi, Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shirin_Ebadi, 03 Janurary 2011)
"Shirin Ebadi is an Iranian lawyer, a former judge and human rights activist and founder of Defenders of Human Rights Center in Iran. On 10 October 2003, Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her significant and pioneering efforts for democracy and human rights, especially women's, children's, and refugee rights. She was the first ever Iranian, and the first Muslim woman to have received the prize."
Haeri, Safa. "Shirin Ebadi." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 16 Dec. 2011. Web. 03 Jan. 2012. .
Kaplan, Robert, D. The Ends of the Earth, Random House, 1996, p.181
Women are required to wear the hijab after progressive regulations requiring its wear were phased in by the government. Additionally while not only effecting women- the country is gender separated. Women are highly educated in Iran and make up 60%-65% of university enrollment. Women are allowed to vote and earned this right in 1963
"Women in Iran." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 02 Jan. 2012. Web. 03 Jan. 2012. .